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Dance Classes for Everyone

Training in Jazz, Hip Hop, Ballet, Contemporary, Drill Team, Tap, Heels, Adult, Youth and more!!!

Acting & Drama Classes
Co-ed Majorette

Co-Ed class training in HBCU collegiate dance styles and marching.  In this class you will learn how to dance and look together as one unit.  Stunts, light tumbling, and stretching. Practice Gear and uniforms are required for this class

Dance Dynamics

In this class strong emphasis on dance technique and performance value.  You will learn how to showcase style and originality.  This class is energetic and fun executing steps and form throughout choreography.

Singing & Dance

Ballet Pointe

In this class emphasis are placed on classical training in ballet with a little fun edge and eventually leading to pointe.   Both females and males are welcomed and encouraged to train in this class.  This class is also required for those on the competition team.

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In this class strong emphasis on understanding music, rhythm, the space around a dancer, and how to take technical classical lines and make them different.  Understanding and learning how to express dance through meaning of song

Stretch and Conditioning

Urban Funk will have personalized chorography from an individual. It will be a fusion of  different dance elements and styles from all types of dance with high focus on Hip Hop and street styles. 

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